Bloody Oxblood

OXBLOOD is back again on the radar!

So yeah it's quite big last F/W 2012 but apparently it's back again, still mysterious, deep, dark and slurty as before.

(source: whowhatwear instagram)

I once researched this color for my very first fashion design project, the colour theory and application. I then fell in love with this colour afterward.


So what's the differences between maroon, burgundy, cordovan, and oxblood?

All of them is a variant of dark red, but there's for sure some differences that caused them to have their own name.
Maroon: mixing the brown with red, but it's closer to red than the other.
Burgundy: mixing the red with purple (blue base)
Cordovan: mixing the rich shade of burgundy and a dark shade of rose.
Oxblood: mixing red with dark brown.

Confusing, rite? Haha you'll know oxblood when you see it!


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