Fasting Trip

And I couldn't hold myself to shop... But unfortunately I've made promise to myself to NOT SPENDING ANY MONEY for stuffs I love for about several weeks till Ramadhan cause it all has reached the limitations. Part of the fasting,eh? Yes I know I should really change my shopping habit. *sigh*
And then I realized how I like to buy something, and just COLLECT them. Suddenly I remembered two things I bought lately but somehow I forgot that I've bought them. Weird eh, its my new black hat and red wedges. Do you guys have any ideas where or when should I wear them? :p
And then we had our break-fasting at RM. Nyonya Soeharti. What a wonderful day :)
colorbox black hat

red kate two tone wedges
Btw almost forgot to show you guys the picture of my new hair cut :D yeah i know the bangs... My BANGS that failed and screwed but I reaaaaallyyy love the cutting cus It's so refreshing :D
my expression is as fail as my bangs mwahaha
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